Q: When will I receive a call about the job I applied for?
A: We will give you a call as soon as the hiring company expresses interest in your qualification. 
Q: When is my weekly timesheet due?
A: Cut off time is Tuesday at 12 pm for payroll processing.
Q: How do I apply to a job?
A: You can conveniently apply online or in person at our office located at 1432 Edinger Ave, Suite #100 Tustin, CA 92780 (Please make sure to bring 2 forms of ID)
Q: Do I have to apply for a specific position?
A:  You can fill out a general application with the positions you desire.
Q: What areas do you recruit in?
A: Refer to ‘Where We Excel’
Q: I’d like to know how many hours that I have been working for VITESSE?
A: Please contact our payroll department by phone at (714) 210-5959 ext. 1004, or by email at [email protected].
Q: What are the requirements for the job?
A: You can find the detailed job descriptions here [link]. If you have any further questions, you can always contact our recruiting team.
Q: I applied 6 months ago, am I still registered with you?
A: Yes, you are. We keep all submitted applications on file for a year. If you have any updates, please come to our office to make any necessary changes.
Q: I am looking for work but I need a part time job. Do you have any part time jobs?
A: The majority of our jobs are fulltime. However, as soon as a part time job opening comes up, we will contact you.
Q: I need you to provide my employment verification with VITESSE.
A: Please have the requesting party fax the request to (714) 677-2223.
Q: Do you have a job for me? What type of positions do you have? What type of positions do you offer?
A: Yes, I’m sure we can find a place for you to work. First off, do you have a resume that you can e-mail to us? If not, what was your last position and what does your work background consist of? Do you already have an application with VITESSE?
You can apply on line or come in to fill out an application and have an interview with us. We take applications on Tuesdays through Fridays from 9:00AM-4:00PM. We cannot represent you for employment unless you have filled out an application with VITESSE.

If you have already filled out an application and your skills match with our job openings, we will submit your resume for job consideration. If you have not heard from us within a week from the date that you applied, please contact your VITESSE Representative to request status.